Are These Videos Proof Of HAARP And UFO Activity


Crazy video from Arizona about Haarp and Ufo Activity is freaking out people. According to facebook user Macheras Bonnie video post description.

Ok, so I was getting ready to upload my vid from this morning and looked out the window and HAD TO RECORD this.. whoa.. more like WHOA!!!!! This was taken 09/19/15 in Snowflake, AZ between 6 – 7 a.m

Ok, so I was getting ready to upload my vid from this morning and looked out the window and HAD TO RECORD this.. whoa.. more like WHOA!!!!! This was taken 09/19/15 in Snowflake, AZ between 6 – 7 a.m. :DUPDATE: Not a satellite. Thanks to the investigative research of Michelle Sabb Vaitkus with

Posted by Macheras Bonnie on Saturday, September 19, 2015

Another HAARP And UFO Activity video posted by popular consparicy theorist channel ThirdPhaseOfMoon which basically compiled multiple videos, also shows some freakish phenomenon going on in skies.

Let us know in comments section, what you think about this weird HAARP And UFO Activity theory.  🙄